Publication time:2023-05-05     Reading times:     Typeface:【big centre small

- Subject content: Provides subject knowledge required for college entrance exams (such as SAT, ACT, AP, A-Level, etc.), such as English, math, science, history, etc. Through in-depth explanations and training, we help students master the relevant subject knowledge and test-taking skills to improve their test scores.

- Exam skills: We provide exam skills and strategies that address the characteristics and difficulties of university entrance exams, such as time management, multiple-choice question answering skills, essay writing skills, etc. By providing targeted test-taking skills and strategies, students will be able to better deal with difficult exams and improve the efficiency of their answers.

- Curriculum: Set personalized course content and pace according to students' learning needs and test requirements, including course difficulty, course length, course type, etc. By setting personalized course content and pace, students can better grasp subject knowledge and test-taking skills and improve their test scores.

- Mock exams: We provide realistic college entrance exam simulation questions and exam environments to give students a better understanding of the exam format and requirements, and improve their confidence and readiness for the exam. By providing real exam simulation questions and an exam environment, students can better adapt to the exam format and requirements, reduce exam stress and tension, and improve their test scores.

- Personalized tutoring: Based on students' learning characteristics and difficulties, we provide personalized learning tutoring and solutions, such as subject knowledge supplementation and exam difficulty solutions. By providing personalized learning tutoring and solutions, students can better master their subject knowledge and test-taking skills and improve their test scores.

- Teaching methods: We provide flexible and diverse teaching methods, such as online, face-to-face and video teaching, and choose the most suitable teaching methods according to students' needs and characteristics. By providing diversified teaching methods, students can better adapt to and accept different learning modes and improve their learning effect and interest.

- Teacher: We provide high-level faculty, such as experienced teachers, professional teachers, returnee teachers, etc., to provide students with quality education.


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